Unique Local Persons

Meet Unique Local Persons
in the Shiba Tokyo Bay area!

In the Hamamatsucho, Takeshiba, and Shibaura areas are some captivating individuals with deep connections to the community. Those who have lived in this area for long and are knowledgeable about the city’s history, those who engage in specific local professions, and those who have strong affection, insights, and expertise in specific areas related to the community. We call such individuals “Unique Local Persons.”
By connecting MICE events held in this area with these Unique Local Persons, we believe it not only provides participants with the opportunity to learn about the local culture, traditions, and aspirations of the residents but also creates a chance to foster unique interactions that are not typically attainable by experiencing the charm of the community.
Utilizing those alluring Unique Local Persons, we can plan and propose MICE content tailored to your preferences, including team building, lectures, cultural experiences, and the creation of opportunities for interaction with the local community.

A wonderful encounter